Definition of underneath


dưới, bên dưới


Definition of undefined

The word "underneath" has a fascinating etymology. It originated from Old English "under" meaning "below" and "næth" meaning "at" or "near". The phrase "underneath" was first used in the 15th century and initially meant "at or near the bottom of" or "in a lower position". Over time, the meaning expanded to include "beneath" or "below", often used to indicate a physical or metaphorical location lower than something else. For example: "The book is underneath the couch" or "The fear was underneath her surface". Today, "underneath" is a common preposition in English, expressing a sense of spatial or figurative positioning. Its evolution highlights the dynamic nature of language, where words can adapt and change meaning over time.


under or below something else, especially when it is hidden or covered by the thing on top

bên dưới hoặc bên dưới cái gì đó khác, đặc biệt khi nó bị che giấu hoặc che phủ bởi thứ ở trên

  • The coin rolled underneath the piano.

    Đồng xu lăn dưới cây đàn piano.

  • This jacket's too big, even with a sweater underneath.

    Chiếc áo khoác này quá rộng, thậm chí có cả áo len bên trong.

used to talk about somebody’s real feelings or character, as opposed to the way they seem to be

dùng để nói về cảm xúc hoặc tính cách thực sự của ai đó, trái ngược với vẻ ngoài của họ

  • Underneath her cool exterior she was really very frightened.

    Bên dưới vẻ ngoài lạnh lùng, cô thực sự rất sợ hãi.

  • He seems bad-tempered, but he's very soft-hearted underneath.

    Anh ấy có vẻ xấu tính nhưng bên trong lại rất mềm lòng.

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