Definition of underfunded


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The word "underfunded" originated in the early 20th century as a financial term to describe organizations or projects that do not have enough funds to meet their expenses or achieve their goals. The term is derived from the words "under" and "funded," which means having less money than is required or expected. The concept of underfunding is particularly useful in discussing government programs, charitable organizations, and other entities that rely on external sources of funding. When these organizations do not receive enough financial support, they may be forced to cut back on essential services or programs, resulting in negative consequences for those who depend on them. In some cases, underfunded organizations may also be subjected to undue scrutiny or criticism, as there is often a perception that they are not managing their finances effectively. However, it's important to note that underfunding is not always a result of poor planning or mismanagement, and some organizations may simply be facing insurmountable financial challenges due to external factors beyond their control. Overall, the term "underfunded" has become a widely used and influential concept in discussions about financial aid, resource allocation, and social welfare. It highlights the importance of ensuring that organizations and programs have the necessary funding to operate effectively, while also emphasizing the need to avoid overpromising and underdelivering on promises.

  • The local school district is operating underfunded, which has led to outdated textbooks, overcrowded classrooms, and a lack of extracurricular programs for students.
  • The neighborhood community center has been struggling with underfunding for years, resulting in cancelled after-school programs and the inability to hire a full-time staff member.
  • Due to underfunding, the city's public transportation system has been forced to cut routes and raise fares, making it increasingly difficult for low-income residents to commute to work and school.
  • The hospital's cancer research department is currently underfunded, limiting their ability to develop new treatments and conduct groundbreaking studies.
  • The nonprofit organization serving homeless populations is underfunded and struggling to provide basic necessities like food and shelter to those in need.
  • The small business manages to stay afloat despite being underfunded, but it means owner has to work long hours and wear multiple hats to keep the company running smoothly.
  • The underfunded university is having to cut faculty positions and increase class sizes, leading to overworked professors and students who are unable to receive personalized attention.
  • As a result of underfunding, the public park has become neglected, with broken playground equipment and overgrown landscaping.
  • The arts program at the inner-city school is underfunded, resulting in a lack of resources for students who show promise in the arts.
  • After years of underfunding, the local fire department is struggling to recruit and retain new firefighters due to low pay and harsh working conditions.