Definition of unasked


không được hỏi


The word "unasked" has its roots in Old English. The prefix "un-" is a negation, meaning "not," and the word "asked" comes from the Old English word "ascian," which means "to ask." So, when combined, "unasked" literally means "not asked" or "without being asked." In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the word "unasked" developed a sense of tacit consent or implied permission. For example, a person might perform an action "unasked" if they did so without being explicitly instructed to do so. Over time, the word's meaning evolved to imply a sense of spontaneity or uninvited action. Today, we use "unasked" to describe an unexpected or uninvited gift, help, or offer.


an unasked question is one that you have not asked even though you would like to know the answer

một câu hỏi chưa được hỏi là câu hỏi mà bạn chưa hỏi mặc dù bạn muốn biết câu trả lời

without being invited or asked

mà không được mời hoặc yêu cầu

  • He came to the party unasked.

    Anh ấy đến dự tiệc mà không được mời.

  • She brought him, unasked, the relevant file.

    Cô ấy đã mang cho anh ấy tập hồ sơ có liên quan mà không hề được yêu cầu.

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