Definition of unanswered


chưa trả lời


The word "unanswered" has its roots in Old English. The first recorded use of the word dates back to around the 8th century. Initially, the word was "unanswor" or "un-ānswer", which consisted of the negative prefix "un-" and the verb "ānswer", meaning "to answer". During the Middle English period (circa 1100-1500), the word evolved into "unansweryd" or "unanswere", which retained its negative prefix and continued to convey the idea of something left unresponded to or unacknowledged. Over time, the word was shortened to its modern form, "unanswered", and has been used to describe situations where a question, request, or concern has gone without response or resolution. Despite its evolution, the core meaning of "unanswered" remains tied to the concept of something awaiting a reply or response.


that has not been answered

điều đó vẫn chưa được trả lời

  • Many questions about the crime remain unanswered.

    Nhiều câu hỏi về tội ác này vẫn chưa có lời giải đáp.

that has not been replied to

điều đó chưa được trả lời

  • unanswered letters

    những lá thư chưa trả lời