Definition of twinkle


lấp lánh


The origin of the word "twinkle" can be traced back to the Old English word "twinklan," which means "to shine obliquely" or "to glimmer." This word is derived from the Old English "twyncan," which means "to bend or turn." The word "twinkle" has evolved over time, with Middle English spelling "twyckenle," and then "twycklings" in the 14th century. Eventually, the word shortened to its current form of "twinkle." The use of "twinkle" to describe the appearance of a star or other celestial body is first recorded in the late 16th century. The term "twinkle stars" was popularized by the American author, Helen Steadtler, in her 1912 book, "101 Story Starters." In this book, Steadtler encouraged children to imagine twinkling stars and create stories around them. The scientific explanation behind a star's twinkling comes from the fact that the Earth's atmosphere distorts the light coming from distant celestial bodies, causing them to appear to twinkle. This effect is more pronounced for lower-lying stars, which are closer to the horizon and are affected by more turbulence in the atmosphere. In addition to its use in astronomy, "twinkle" is also used to describe the act of winking or blinking. This usage is first recorded in the early 14th century. The similarity in sound between "twinkle" and "twinkling" may have contributed to this evolution of its meaning over time. In English literature, "twinkle" has been used in various contexts, from romantic descriptions of starry nights to playful references to mischievous children who "twinkle" their eyes in amusement. As a versatile and evocative word, "twinkle" continues to be a beloved part of the English language.


to shine with a light that keeps changing from bright to pale to bright again

tỏa sáng với ánh sáng liên tục thay đổi từ sáng sang nhạt rồi lại sáng

  • Stars twinkled in the sky.

    Những ngôi sao lấp lánh trên bầu trời.

  • twinkling lights in the distance

    ánh đèn lấp lánh phía xa

if your eyes twinkle, you have a bright expression because you are happy or excited

Nếu mắt bạn lấp lánh, bạn có biểu cảm tươi sáng vì bạn đang vui vẻ hoặc hào hứng

  • twinkling blue eyes

    đôi mắt xanh lấp lánh

  • Her eyes twinkled with merriment.

    Đôi mắt cô lấp lánh niềm vui.

  • His mother twinkled at him over her teacup.

    Mẹ anh nháy mắt với anh qua tách trà của bà.

Extra examples:
  • Her eyes twinkled with mischief.

    Đôi mắt cô lấp lánh vẻ tinh nghịch.

  • His dark eyes twinkled merrily at her.

    Đôi mắt đen của anh lấp lánh vui vẻ nhìn cô.

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