Definition of trollop


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The word "trollop" is an English slang term that originated in the late 18th century. It is a derogatory term used to describe a promiscuous or immoral woman, often associated with loose sexual behavior. The exact origin of the word is uncertain, but it is believed to have derived from the Scottish word "trowpull," which means a prostitute or drab woman. It may also be related to the Old English word "trȳlle," which means "woman on the loose." The word "trollop" gained popularity in the Victorian era, a time when sexual morality and propriety were highly valued. The term was used as a way to shame and stigmatize women who did not conform to traditional gender roles and expectations. Over time, the term "trollop" has fallen out of favor in everyday language, but it continues to be used in certain contexts, such as in literature, dramatics, and older literary and nautical texts. It is also used as a humorous or jocular term, particularly in some dialects of English. However, in current usage, it is generally considered a pejorative term and is best avoided in formal or professional contexts.


an offensive word for a woman who is thought to have many sexual partners

một từ ngữ xúc phạm đối với một người phụ nữ được cho là có nhiều bạn tình

an offensive word for a woman who is thought to be very untidy

một từ ngữ xúc phạm dành cho một người phụ nữ được cho là rất luộm thuộm