Definition of trapezoid


hình thang


The word "trapezoid" comes from the Greek word τραπέζαιον (trapezaiõn), which means "perpendicular to the table". In Ancient Greece, a trapezoid was named after its resemblance to the table's support, which was in the shape of an inverted U or a capital letter U backwards (ϓ). The Greeks called this letter "omega," and it was used as an abbreviation for the word "omphalos," meaning "navel" or "center." The side opposite the two parallel sides of the trapezoid, which is perpendicular to these sides, was thought to be the support of the table. Hence, the name "trapezoid" comes from the term "trapeza," which refers to a dining table, and the prefix "para," meaning "beside," was added to denote the similarity between the support of the table and the trapezoid's side. In summary, the origin of the word "trapezoid" can be traced back to Ancient Greece, where it was used to describe a shape that resembled the support of a dining table. The word's etymology reflects the practical application of geometry in everyday life, highlighting how mathematical concepts manifest themselves in the real world.


a flat shape with four straight sides, none of which are parallel (= the same distance apart at every point)

một hình phẳng có bốn cạnh thẳng, không có cạnh nào song song (= khoảng cách bằng nhau tại mọi điểm)

a flat shape with four straight sides, one pair of opposite sides being parallel (= the same distance apart at every point) and the other pair not parallel

một hình phẳng có bốn cạnh thẳng, một cặp cạnh đối diện song song (= khoảng cách bằng nhau tại mọi điểm) và cặp cạnh còn lại không song song

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