Definition of tow




The word "tow" has a fascinating origin. It dates back to the 14th century, derived from the Old English word "tō" or "tū", which means "to draw" or "to pull". In its earliest sense, "tow" referred to the act of pulling or drawing something, such as a rope, a load, or even a person. Later, the term took on a nautical meaning, referring to the act of pulling a vessel through the water, often against the current or tide. Today, the word "tow" encompasses a broader range of meanings, including the act of pulling a vehicle out of a ditch or a parking lot, as well as the concept of towing in sports, such as towing a water ski. Despite its evolution, the core idea of drawing or pulling remains at the heart of the word "tow".


to pull a car, boat, etc. behind another vehicle, using a rope or chain

kéo một chiếc ô tô, thuyền, v.v. đằng sau một chiếc xe khác, sử dụng dây thừng hoặc dây xích

  • Our car was towed away by the police.

    Xe của chúng tôi đã bị cảnh sát kéo đi.

  • A glider was being towed into the air.

    Một chiếc tàu lượn đang được kéo lên không trung.

to pull somebody along behind you

kéo ai đó theo sau bạn

  • Vicky was towing Rosa along by the hand.

    Vicky đang nắm tay kéo Rosa đi.