Definition of toolkit


Bộ công cụ


The word "toolkit" emerged in the early 20th century as a combination of "tool" and "kit". "Tool" has roots in Old English, signifying an instrument used for a specific purpose. "Kit" originates from the Old Norse word "kista," meaning "chest." The combination "toolkit" initially referred to a set of tools stored in a container, like a chest or bag. Over time, it expanded to encompass any collection of resources or methods intended for a specific task, encompassing software tools, problem-solving techniques, or even emotional coping mechanisms.


a set of tools in a box or bag

một bộ dụng cụ trong hộp hoặc túi

a set of software tools

một bộ công cụ phần mềm

the things that you need in order to achieve something

những thứ bạn cần để đạt được điều gì đó