Definition of toe


ngón chân


Definition of undefined

The origin of the word "toe" is Old English, and it is closely related to the word "tone," which refers to the smallest part or unit of something. In this case, a "toe" is the smallest unit of the human foot. The Old English word "tō" or "tōh" likely originated from Proto-Germanic "*tüzziz," which was also the source of the Modern German word "Zeh," meaning toe. The word "toe" has been a part of the English language since the 9th century and has remained relatively unchanged over time. In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the word was spelled "to," and it wasn't until the 15th century that it became standard to use the modern spelling "toe." Today, the word "toe" is used to refer to any of the five digits at the end of the human foot, as well as in idioms and expressions, such as "toe the line" and "hold someone's toe to the fire."


one of the five small parts that stick out from the foot; any similar part on the foot of an animal or bird

một trong năm bộ phận nhỏ nhô ra khỏi bàn chân; bất kỳ bộ phận tương tự nào trên chân của động vật hoặc chim

  • the big/little toe (= the largest/smallest toe)

    ngón chân cái/nhỏ (= ngón chân lớn nhất/nhỏ nhất)

  • I stubbed my toe on the step.

    Tôi bị vấp ngón chân ở bậc thềm.

  • Can you touch your toes (= by bending over while keeping your legs straight)?

    Bạn có thể chạm vào ngón chân của mình (= bằng cách cúi xuống trong khi giữ thẳng chân) không?

  • She wiggled her fingers and toes thoughtfully.

    Cô ngọ nguậy ngón tay ngón chân vẻ suy tư.

  • She stood on her toes and kissed him.

    Cô kiễng chân lên và hôn anh.

  • They are ground birds with long toes and claws.

    Chúng là loài chim đất có ngón chân và móng vuốt dài.

Extra examples:
  • He had some kind of fungus between his toes.

    Anh ta bị một loại nấm nào đó giữa các ngón chân.

  • He moved lightly on his toes like a boxer.

    Anh di chuyển nhẹ nhàng bằng ngón chân như một võ sĩ quyền Anh.

  • I dipped my toe in the river to test the temperature.

    Tôi nhúng ngón chân xuống sông để kiểm tra nhiệt độ.

  • I stood on the tips of my toes to look through the window.

    Tôi kiễng chân lên nhìn qua cửa sổ.

  • Ouch! That was my toe you just trod on.

    Ôi! Đó là ngón chân của tôi mà bạn vừa giẫm lên.

  • She stood on her toes to kiss him.

    Cô kiễng chân lên hôn anh.

  • She tapped her toes to the music.

    Cô ấy nhịp chân theo điệu nhạc.

  • The shoe pressed painfully against her big toe.

    Chiếc giày ép vào ngón chân cái của cô một cách đau đớn.

  • Under his bare toes the floor felt gritty.

    Dưới những ngón chân trần của anh, sàn nhà có cảm giác như có sạn.

the part of a sock, shoe, etc. that covers the toes

phần của tất, giày, v.v. che phủ các ngón chân

  • He kicked the earth with the toe of his boot.

    Anh ta đá đất bằng mũi giày.

having the type or number of toes mentioned

có loại hoặc số lượng ngón chân được đề cập

  • open-toed sandals

    dép hở mũi

  • a three-toed sloth

    con lười ba ngón

Related words and phrases


dig your toes/heels in
to refuse to do something or to change your mind about something
  • They dug their toes in and would not lower the price.
  • dip a toe in/into something | dip a toe in/into the water
    (informal)to start doing something very carefully to see if it will be successful or not
  • We decided to dip a toe in the computer games market.
  • from head to foot/toe
    covering your whole body
  • We were covered from head to foot in mud.
  • She was dressed from head to toe in red.
  • from top to toe
    completely; all over
  • She was dressed in green from top to toe.
  • keep somebody on their toes
    to make sure that somebody is ready to deal with anything that might happen by doing things that they are not expecting
  • Surprise visits help to keep the staff on their toes.
  • The threat of inspections kept us all on our toes.
  • make somebody’s toes curl
    to make somebody feel embarrassed or uncomfortable
  • The man's broad smile made her toes curl.
  • tread on somebody’s toes
    (informal)to offend or annoy somebody, especially by getting involved in something that is their responsibility
  • I don’t want to tread on anybody’s toes so I’ll keep quiet.