Definition of tingle


râm ran


The word "tingle" has a fascinating origin! It dates back to the 14th century, with its earliest recorded use in Middle English. The word "tingle" is derived from the Old English word "tingulan," which means "to tinkle or ring." Initially, the word referred to the sharp, ringing sound made by ringing a bell or a string. Over time, the meaning of "tingle" expanded to describe a sensation of a pricking or stinging feeling, often used to describe pleasurable or exciting experiences, such as a tingle of excitement or a tingle in the fingers. Today, the word is commonly used in various contexts, including medicine, to describe sensations like numbness, tingling, or tickling, as well as in everyday language to express excitement, joy, or even nervousness.


to feel as if a lot of small sharp points are pushing into it

cảm giác như có rất nhiều điểm sắc nhọn nhỏ đang ấn vào nó

  • The cold air made her face tingle.

    Gió lạnh làm mặt cô ngứa ran.

  • a tingling sensation

    một cảm giác ngứa ran

Extra examples:
  • Her legs were tingling painfully.

    Chân cô tê nhức một cách đau đớn.

  • Her skin was still tingling from the shower.

    Da cô vẫn còn ngứa ran sau khi tắm.

to feel an emotion strongly

để cảm nhận một cảm xúc mạnh mẽ

  • She was still tingling with excitement.

    Cô vẫn còn run rẩy vì phấn khích.

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