Definition of ticker




The word "ticker" originated in the late 19th century, referring to the **stock ticker**, a machine that printed stock prices on a paper tape. The word "ticker" itself likely comes from the **ticking sound** made by the machine as it printed the prices. The term evolved to describe other devices that provide rapid updates, like the **news ticker**, and eventually became a general term for **any device that displays rapidly changing information**.


a line of text containing news that passes across the screen of a computer or television

một dòng văn bản chứa tin tức truyền qua màn hình máy tính hoặc tivi

a person’s heart

trái tim của một người

  • ‘There’s nothing wrong with the old ticker,’ he said.

    “Không có gì sai với đồng hồ cũ cả,” anh nói.