Definition of tan


làn da rám nắng


The word "tan" has a fascinating origin. It comes from the 16th-century Spanish word "tano," which means "to dry" or "to parch." This is because skin that's been exposed to the sun becomes dry, leathery, and brown, resembling the texture of dried leather. The Spanish word "tano" is derived from the Latin word "tannare," which means "to tan" or "to dry." This Latin word is also the source of the English word "tannin," a type of polyphenol found in plants that's used to tan leather. As European sailors and explorers spent more time at sea, their skin became darker due to sun exposure, leading to the adoption of the term "tan" to describe this discoloration. Today, the word "tan" is used globally to describe the sun-kissed skin that results from exposure to the sun's rays.


if a person or their skin tans or is tanned, they become brown as a result of spending time in the sun

Nếu một người hoặc làn da của họ rám nắng, họ sẽ chuyển sang màu nâu do dành thời gian dưới ánh nắng mặt trời

  • My skin tans really easily.

    Da của tôi rám nắng rất dễ dàng.

  • She tanned easily, despite her fair hair.

    Cô ấy rất dễ rám nắng dù có mái tóc sáng màu.

  • You want your skin to tan evenly.

    Bạn muốn làn da của mình được rám nắng đều.

to make animal skin into leather by treating it with chemicals

biến da động vật thành da thuộc bằng cách xử lý nó bằng hóa chất


have/tan somebody’s hide
(old-fashioned, informal or humorous)to punish somebody severely