Definition of talking point

talking pointnoun

điểm nói chuyện

/ˈtɔːkɪŋ pɔɪnt//ˈtɔːkɪŋ pɔɪnt/

The term "talking point" traces its origins back to the political realm during the mid-20th century. In the United States, political campaigns would often distribute lists of brief talking points to their candidates to help them remain on-message during debates and speeches. These talking points were designed to be succinct, persuasive, and easy to remember, allowing candidates to quickly and effectively relay their positions on various issues. The idea was that by providing these talking points, campaigns could ensure their candidates remained focused and consistent with their messaging, even under pressure or in the face of unexpected questions. As the use of the term spread outside of politics, it has come to refer more broadly to any topic or idea that is intended to stimulate discussion and debate, particularly in the context of contentious or polarizing issues. In this sense, a "talking point" can be seen as a sort of seed planted by an interested party, intended to spark dialogue and influence public opinion. In summary, the term "talking point" derives from its origins in political campaign strategy, where it served as a handy shorthand for the brief, persuasive arguments that candidates would use during debates and speeches. However, as its use has expanded beyond politics, the term has taken on a broader connotation, implying any issue or topic designed to spark discussion and debate, especially in contentious or polarizing contexts.


a subject that is talked about or discussed by many people

một chủ đề được nhiều người nói đến hoặc thảo luận

  • The judge's decision became a legal talking point.

    Quyết định của thẩm phán đã trở thành chủ đề bàn luận về mặt pháp lý.

an item that somebody will speak about at a meeting, often one that supports a particular argument

một mục mà ai đó sẽ nói đến trong một cuộc họp, thường là mục ủng hộ một lập luận cụ thể

  • Senate Democrats issued these talking points.

    Các Thượng nghị sĩ Dân chủ đã đưa ra những điểm chính sau đây.