Definition of swollen


sưng lên


"Swollen" is a word that has been around for centuries, evolving from Old English roots. It's ultimately derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*sweliþan," meaning "to swell." This word further traces back to the Proto-Indo-European root "*swe-", meaning "to swell, to grow." Over time, "swellen" became "swoln" in Middle English, and eventually "swollen" in Modern English. Its meaning has remained consistent, describing a state of increased size or volume, often due to fluid buildup.


larger than normal, especially as a result of a disease or an injury

lớn hơn bình thường, đặc biệt là do bệnh tật hoặc chấn thương

  • swollen glands

    Viêm tuyến

  • Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

    Đôi mắt cô đỏ hoe và sưng tấy vì khóc.

Extra examples:
  • Her face was still horribly swollen.

    Mặt cô vẫn sưng tấy kinh khủng.

  • Her legs got swollen from standing up all day.

    Chân cô bị sưng tấy do phải đứng cả ngày.

  • His ankle is bruised and quite badly swollen.

    Mắt cá chân của anh ấy bị bầm tím và sưng tấy khá nặng.

  • One of her eyes was swollen shut.

    Một bên mắt của cô ấy bị sưng tấy.

containing more water than normal

chứa nhiều nước hơn bình thường

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