Definition of swirl




The word "swirl" has origins that can be traced back to Middle English. It is believed to have been derived from the Old English word "swilingan," which meant "to spiral or wind." However, this word fell out of use and was replaced by the Middle English word "swirlen," which developed a more specific meaning. The Middle English word "swirlen" was used to describe the action of spinning or twirling, particularly in reference to liquids. It was likely shaped by the Old Norse word "sværlinn," which also meant "to turn," indicating that this word entered the English language during the Viking invasions. There are a number of theories about how the Middle English word "swirlen" evolved into its modern form. Some linguists believe that it was simplified over time, with the addition of the "i" and the shortening of the "e" to make it easier to pronounce and more consistent with other English words. Others suggest that the word was influenced by the Dutch word "zwirlen," which also meant "to twist or whirl," as England was a part of the Dutch-dominated Burgundian cultural sphere for a time. Regardless of its origins, the word "swirl" has become a common term in everyday English, used to describe everything from the spinning of milk in a cup to the movement of the ocean in a tidal estuary. Its evolution is a testament to the way that our language is constantly changing and adapting to reflect the world around us.

  • TheBefore a storm hits, the leaves on the tree swirl around in a frenzy.

    Trước khi cơn bão ập đến, những chiếc lá trên cây sẽ xoay tròn một cách điên cuồng.

  • The rich, dark chocolate in the hot cocoa swirls together with the frothy milk.

    Vị sô-cô-la đen đậm đà trong ca cao nóng hòa quyện với bọt sữa.

  • As the paint applied to the canvas, the colors began to swirl and merge together.

    Khi sơn được phủ lên vải, các màu sắc bắt đầu xoáy và hòa vào nhau.

  • Watch as the smoke from my cigarette swirls up into the air.

    Hãy xem khói từ điếu thuốc của tôi cuộn lên không trung.

  • The texture of the whipped cream on top of the pumpkin pie is so creamy it begins to swirl as you spoon it into your mouth.

    Kết cấu của lớp kem tươi phủ trên bánh bí ngô rất mịn, nó bắt đầu xoáy tròn khi bạn múc vào miệng.

  • The ocean's waves swirled and churned as the storm approached.

    Sóng biển cuộn xoáy và khuấy động khi cơn bão đang tới gần.

  • The coffee in the cup begins to swirl as I take a sip.

    Cà phê trong tách bắt đầu xoáy khi tôi nhấp một ngụm.

  • Watch as the spiral staircase swirls up to the next floor of the building.

    Hãy xem cầu thang xoắn ốc uốn lượn lên tầng tiếp theo của tòa nhà.

  • As I twirled my ice cream cone, the vanilla and chocolate begin to swirl together.

    Khi tôi xoay que kem, hương vani và sô cô la bắt đầu hòa quyện vào nhau.

  • As the ice melts in the glass, the cola swirls together with the ice to create a refreshing drink.

    Khi đá tan trong ly, nước cola sẽ hòa quyện với đá tạo nên một thức uống sảng khoái.

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