Definition of swimmer


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The word "swimmer" can be traced back to the Old English word "swiman," which means "to swim" or "to float." This verb has root words that can be found in other Germanic languages such as Old High German "swiman" and Old Norse "swymr." In Old English, the noun "swimmer" was formed by adding the suffix "-er" to the verb "swiman" to indicate someone who performs the action of swimming. This noun is found in texts such as "Beowulf" and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, where it refers to people who were skilled swimmers, whether for recreation, transportation, or survival purposes. The spelling and pronunciation of the word "swimmer" have evolved over time due to changes in the English language. In Middle English, the word was spelled "swymmer" and pronounced [swimə], with a short "i" vowel sound. By the 15th century, the spelling had condensed to "swemer" and the pronunciation had changed to [swemə]. By the 17th century, the word had changed to "swimmer," which is its current spelling and pronunciation [ˈswɪmə]. Today, the word "swimmer" has a specific meaning and connotation in English. It refers to a person who swims, whether for sport, exercise, or competition. In other languages, such as German (Schwimmer) or Spanish (nadador), the word for "swimmer" is derived from the same root word "swim." However, the roots of these words go back further, to the Indo-European root "*swendh-," which means "beat, strike."

  • The Olympic gold medalist, Michael Phelps, is widely regarded as one of the greatest swimmers of all time.
  • She started swimming when she was six years old and has been a competitive swimmer ever since.
  • The coach praised their team of swimmers for their exceptional performance in the regional championships.
  • The swimmer set a new personal best time in the 0-meter backstroke at the national swim meet.
  • The swimmer qualified for the final in all three of their events, earning them a spot on the national team.
  • The swimmer's technique was flawless as she glided through the water with ease.
  • Despite a strong headwind, the swimmer blew past the other competitors in the final leg of the relay race.
  • The swimmer's teamwork and leadership on the relay team helped them secure a dramatic victory in the championships.
  • The swimmer's strokes were strong and powerful, propelling them towards the finish line.
  • The swimmer's dedication to training paid off as they emerged victorious in the grueling 00-meter individual medley.