Definition of suspiciously


một cách đáng ngờ


The word "suspiciously" has its roots in the Latin word "suspicio," which means "to look at or examine closely." This Latin term is derived from "suspicere," which is a combination of "sub" (meaning "under" or "from below") and "specere" (meaning "to look"). In Middle English, the word "suspiciously" emerged as an adverb from the adjective "suspicious," which originally meant "looking or seeing closely" or "examining with suspicion." Over time, the meaning of the word has evolved to convey a sense of distrust, doubt, or uncertainty, as seen in phrases such as "he looked at her suspiciously" or "the steward's account was suspiciously tidy."


in a way that shows you think somebody has done something wrong, illegal or dishonest

theo cách đó cho thấy bạn nghĩ rằng ai đó đã làm điều gì sai trái, bất hợp pháp hoặc không trung thực

  • The man looked at her suspiciously.

    Người đàn ông nhìn cô với vẻ nghi ngờ.

in a way that makes people think something wrong, illegal or dishonest is happening

theo cách khiến mọi người nghĩ rằng có điều gì đó sai trái, bất hợp pháp hoặc không trung thực đang xảy ra

  • Let me know if you see anyone acting suspiciously.

    Hãy cho tôi biết nếu bạn thấy ai đó có hành động đáng ngờ.

  • Everything was suspiciously quiet.

    Mọi thứ đều im lặng một cách đáng ngờ.

in a way that shows you think there may be something wrong with something

theo cách cho thấy bạn nghĩ có thể có điều gì đó không ổn với một điều gì đó

  • She eyed the fish on her plate suspiciously.

    Cô nhìn con cá trên đĩa một cách nghi ngờ.


look/sound suspiciously like something
(often humorous)to be very similar to something
  • Their latest single sounds suspiciously like the last one.