Definition of surveyor


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The word "surveyor" has its origins in the Latin word "survēre," which means "to see" or "to survey." This Latin term was later adopted into Middle English as "surveyen" or "surveour." In the 14th century, a surveyor referred to someone who conducted a visual examination or inspection, often to assess land or property for taxation or other purposes. Over time, the term came to specifically refer to individuals who measured, mapped, and assessed land boundaries, territories, and features, such as engineers, cartographers, and land agents. In many countries, including the United States, Canada, and the UK, the term "surveyor" is used to describe a professional who performs these functions, often with specialized training and certifications.


a person whose job is to examine and record the details of a piece of land

một người có công việc là kiểm tra và ghi lại các chi tiết của một mảnh đất

a person whose job is to examine a building to make sure it is in good condition, usually done for somebody who is thinking of buying it

một người có công việc là kiểm tra một tòa nhà để đảm bảo nó ở trong tình trạng tốt, thường được thực hiện cho người đang có ý định mua nó

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