Definition of surgical


phẫu thuật


The word "surgical" has its roots in the Latin words "chirurgicus" and "chirurgia". The Latin word "chirurgia" referred to the art of cutting, and it is derived from the Greek words "cheir" meaning "hand" and "ergein" meaning "to work". In the 14th century, the Latin term "chirurgicus" was adapted into Middle English as "surgical", meaning "pertaining to the art of cutting or surgery". In the early Middle Ages, surgery was considered a lowly and unskilled trade, and the term "surgical" carried a connotation of manual labor or craftsmanship. However, as surgery evolved into a more respected medical specialty, the term "surgical" came to convey a sense of expertise, precision, and scientific rigor. Today, "surgical" is widely used to denote any medical procedure that involves invasive or operative intervention.


used in or connected with surgery

được sử dụng trong hoặc liên quan đến phẫu thuật

  • surgical procedures

    thủ tục phẫu thuật

  • a surgical ward (= for patients having operations)

    khoa phẫu thuật (= dành cho bệnh nhân phẫu thuật)

very accurate

rất chính xác

  • They launched surgical strikes against enemy targets.

    Họ đã tiến hành các cuộc tấn công phẫu thuật vào các mục tiêu của kẻ thù.

  • surgical bombing

    ném bom phẫu thuật

  • The quarterback found the wide receiver with a pass of almost surgical precision.

    Tiền vệ này đã tìm thấy cầu thủ bắt bóng ở cánh phải bằng đường chuyền có độ chính xác gần như phẫu thuật.

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