Definition of surf


lướt sóng


The word "surf" has a fascinating history! The term "surf" originated from the Old English word "surf," which referred to the surface of the sea or ocean. This word is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "thurbaz," meaning "thrashing" or " turmoil," likely referring to the waves' turbulent motion. In the 17th century, the term "surf" began to be used to describe the skillful riders of these giant waves, known as surfers. The word gained popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with the rise of surfing as a recreational activity. Today, the word "surf" encompasses not only riding the waves but also the culture surrounding it, including surf music, surfing competitions, and even surfing-inspired fashion. Needless to say, the word "surf" has come a long way since its Old English roots!


large waves in the sea or ocean, and the white foam that they produce as they fall on the beach, on rocks, etc.

những con sóng lớn trên biển hoặc đại dương, và bọt trắng mà chúng tạo ra khi rơi xuống bãi biển, trên đá, v.v.

  • the sound of surf breaking on the beach

    tiếng sóng vỗ vào bãi biển

Extra examples:
  • The children splashed around in the surf.

    Những đứa trẻ nô đùa dưới sóng biển.

  • dolphins riding the surf

    cá heo cưỡi sóng

  • the roar of distant surf

    tiếng gầm rú của sóng biển xa xa

  • The sea lions lie near the breaking surf off the beaches.

    Những chú sư tử biển nằm gần bờ biển đang sóng vỗ.

an act of going surfing

một hành động lướt sóng

  • He decided to go for a surf near Fremantle.

    Anh ấy quyết định đi lướt sóng gần Fremantle.

  • Sydney, surf capital of the world (= where the sport of surfing is very popular)

    Sydney, thủ đô lướt sóng của thế giới (= nơi môn thể thao lướt sóng rất phổ biến)