Definition of sue




The word "sue" has multiple origins, but its most common use as a verb meaning "to take legal action" can be traced back to the Middle English word "soen," which in turn derived from the Old Norse verb " Bar FOO BAR'" meaning "to follow." During the Norman Conquest of England in the 11th century, the Old Norse-speaking Danes and Norwegians who settled in northern and eastern parts of England brought this word with them. Since appeal to the king's court was a common legal tactic during that time, "soen" was often used to describe the act of bringing a legal case before a court. Over time, the verb evolved in both pronunciation and meaning. In the 14th century, the Middle English word "soen" shortened to "soo" and eventually became "sue" in its Modern English form. In addition to its use as a legal term, "sue" also acquired a more general meaning of "to ask anxiously or earnestly," particularly in relation to petitions or requests. Today, the verb "sue" is a common part of legal lexicon, and its origins reflect the cultural and linguistic heritage of England's Anglo-Saxon and Viking past. As such, it remains a fascinating linguistic artifact that helps to shed light on the rich history of the English language.


to make a claim against a person or an organization in court about something that they have said or done to harm you

khiếu nại một người hoặc một tổ chức trước tòa về điều gì đó mà họ đã nói hoặc làm gây tổn hại cho bạn

  • They threatened to sue if the work was not completed.

    Họ dọa sẽ kiện nếu công việc không hoàn thành.

  • to sue somebody for breach of contract

    kiện ai vì vi phạm hợp đồng

  • to sue somebody for $10 million (= in order to get money from somebody)

    kiện ai đó với số tiền 10 triệu đô la (= để lấy tiền từ ai đó)

  • to sue somebody for damages

    kiện ai đó để đòi bồi thường thiệt hại

  • He threatened to sue the company for negligence.

    Anh dọa sẽ kiện công ty vì sơ suất.

  • The water authority was successfully sued over his illness.

    Cơ quan cấp nước đã bị kiện thành công vì căn bệnh của anh ta.

to formally ask for something, especially in court

chính thức yêu cầu một cái gì đó, đặc biệt là tại tòa án

  • to sue for divorce

    đi kiện đòi ly hôn

  • The rebels were forced to sue for peace.

    Phiến quân buộc phải kiện đòi hòa bình.

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