Definition of stratospheric


tầng bình lưu


The word "stratospheric" originated from the Greek words "stratos" (στρατός), meaning "layer" or "zone", and "sphaira" (σφaira), meaning "ball" or "sphere". The term "stratosphere" was first coined by British meteorologist and physicist Clement Wragge in 1893 to refer to the layer of the Earth's atmosphere extending from about 10 to 50 kilometers (6.2 to 31 miles) above the Earth's surface. The stratosphere is characterized by stable conditions, a steady temperature, and the presence of the ozone layer. The adjective "stratospheric" was derived from the noun "stratosphere" and is used to describe anything that is related to, or has a significance equivalent to, the stratosphere. This can include concepts such as altitude, pressure, temperature, or composition that are relevant to the stratosphere. The term "stratospheric" is often used in scientific, technical, and informal contexts to convey a sense of distance, height, and atmospheric conditions.


in the layer of the earth's atmosphere between about 10 and 50 kilometres above the surface of the earth

trong lớp khí quyển của trái đất, nằm ở độ cao khoảng 10 đến 50 km so với bề mặt trái đất

  • stratospheric clouds/ozone

    mây tầng bình lưu/ôzôn

extremely high

cực kỳ cao

  • stratospheric levels of success

    mức độ thành công ở tầng bình lưu

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