Definition of straggle




The word "straggle" originated in the 15th century from the Old English word "strangul" or "strangelen," which means "to entwine" or "to twist." Initially, the word referred to the act of twisting or snaring something, such as a cord or a vine. Over time, the meaning of "straggle" expanded to describe the act of scattering or spreading out in a disorderly manner, often in reference to people, plants, or objects. In the 17th century, the word took on its modern connotation, describing a group of people or things that are scattered or dispersed over a large area. Today, "straggle" is often used to describe a loose, irregular pattern of growth or movement.


to grow, spread or move in an untidy way in different directions

để phát triển, lây lan hoặc di chuyển một cách lộn xộn theo các hướng khác nhau

  • Her hair was straggling over her eyes.

    Tóc cô xõa xuống mắt.

  • The town straggled to an end and the fields began.

    Thị trấn đi đến hồi kết và những cánh đồng bắt đầu.

to move slowly behind a group of people that you are with so that you become separated from them

di chuyển chậm rãi phía sau một nhóm người mà bạn đang ở cùng để bạn trở nên tách biệt khỏi họ

  • On the way the kids straggled behind us.

    Trên đường đi bọn trẻ lê lết phía sau chúng tôi.

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