Definition of stir up

stir upphrasal verb

khuấy lên


The origin of the word "stir up" can be traced back to the Old English verb "styrian," which means "to mix" or "to agitate." This stem can be found in the Old French word "estirer," which also had similar meanings. The term "stir up" has been in the English language since the 15th century, but it was not initially used in its current sense of "to mix vigorously" or "to excite." Early meanings included "to move or stir (a liquid) from the bottom" and "to mix or disturb (something) vigorously." One of the earliest recorded uses of "stir up" in its modern sense was in a 1571 poem by Edmund Spenser, in which he wrote, "One holy Paschall with the people keep." The line goes on to say, "For as the Priest a new Ask [Easter cake], / Must first stir vp the daily Bake." Here, Spenser is referring to the ritual of removing the previous day's ashes from the ovens to make room for the new batch of Easter cakes, implying that "stir up" had taken on the meaning of "to revive, refresh, or renew." Today, we use the phrase "stir up" to describe a variety of actions, from mixing ingredients in cooking to waking up emotions or ideas in people. Its versatility and ubiquity make it a common and useful word in the English language.


to make people feel strong emotions

làm cho mọi người cảm thấy những cảm xúc mạnh mẽ

  • to stir up hatred

    để khơi dậy lòng căm thù

  • Going back there stirred up a lot of memories for her.

    Trở lại nơi đó gợi lại cho cô rất nhiều kỷ niệm.

to try to cause arguments or problems

cố gắng gây ra tranh cãi hoặc vấn đề

  • to stir up a debate

    để khuấy động một cuộc tranh luận

  • Whenever he's around, he always manages to stir up trouble.

    Bất cứ khi nào anh ta xuất hiện, anh ta luôn tìm cách gây rắc rối.

  • We've got enough problems without you trying to stir things up.

    Chúng ta đã có đủ vấn đề rồi mà không cần anh phải cố làm mọi chuyện thêm rắc rối nữa.

to make something move around in water or air

làm cho một cái gì đó di chuyển trong nước hoặc không khí

  • The wind stirred up a lot of dust.

    Gió thổi tung rất nhiều bụi.