Definition of standing order

standing ordernoun

lệnh thường trực

/ˌstændɪŋ ˈɔːdə(r)//ˌstændɪŋ ˈɔːrdər/


an instruction that you give to your bank to pay somebody a fixed amount of money from your account on the same day each week/month, etc.

  • to set up a standing order
  • to pay by standing order

Related words and phrases

an order for something that is repeated every week, month, etc.

  • The restaurant placed a standing order for a side of beef every month.

a military order that must always be obeyed

  • We had a standing order never to go out on patrol alone.

a rule that says how a parliament, committee, etc. should operate

  • The council's standing orders require you to withdraw from the meeting while the matter is discussed.