Definition of standby


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The word "standby" has roots in the nautical world. It originated from the phrase "stand by," which was used to instruct sailors to remain in a state of readiness, often near a specific piece of equipment or task. This nautical term later transitioned into general English usage, referring to a state of readiness or being available for immediate action. The modern meaning of "standby" encompasses a wider range of contexts, including technology, transportation, and even personal relationships.


ready to do something immediately if needed or asked

sẵn sàng làm điều gì đó ngay lập tức nếu cần thiết hoặc được yêu cầu

  • The emergency services were put on standby after a bomb warning.

    Các dịch vụ khẩn cấp đã được đặt ở chế độ chờ sau khi có cảnh báo bom.

  • As the level of the water rose, villages were put on evacuation standby.

    Khi mực nước dâng cao, các ngôi làng được đặt trong tình trạng sẵn sàng sơ tán.

  • The troops are on 24-hour standby (= ready to move at any time of the day or night).

    Quân đội đang ở chế độ chờ 24 giờ (= sẵn sàng di chuyển bất cứ lúc nào trong ngày hay đêm).

ready to travel or go somewhere if a ticket or something that is needed suddenly becomes available

sẵn sàng đi du lịch hoặc đi đâu đó nếu đột nhiên có vé hoặc thứ gì đó cần thiết

  • He was put on standby for the flight to New York.

    Anh ta được đưa vào chế độ chờ cho chuyến bay tới New York.

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on standby
ready to do something immediately if needed or asked
  • The emergency services were put on standby after a bomb warning.
  • As the level of the water rose, villages were put on evacuation standby.
  • The troops are on 24-hour standby (= ready to move at any time of the day or night).
  • ready to travel or go somewhere if a ticket or something that is needed suddenly becomes available
  • He was put on standby for the flight to New York.