Definition of spurious


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The word "spurious" originates from the Latin word "spurius," meaning "illegitimate" or "false." This Latin word is derived from "spurus," meaning "non-virile or sterile," which was used to describe a child born out of wedlock or outside of marriage. In Latin, a "spurius" was a person born to a slave or a freedman, rather than a legitimate son of a citizen. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include false or fake things, such as illegitimate children, adulterous or bastard offspring, or even counterfeit coins. In English, the word "spurious" has retained its Latin sense of "false" or "illegitimate," and is often used to describe something that is not authentic, genuine, or legitimate.


false, although seeming to be real or true

sai, mặc dù có vẻ là thật hoặc đúng

  • He had managed to create the entirely spurious impression that the company was thriving.

    Anh ta đã cố gắng tạo ra một ấn tượng hoàn toàn sai lầm rằng công ty đang phát triển mạnh.

based on false ideas or ways of thinking

dựa trên những ý tưởng hoặc cách suy nghĩ sai lầm

  • a spurious argument

    một lý lẽ giả tạo

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