Definition of sprout




The origin of the word "sprout" can be traced back to Old English, where it was spelled "sprōt" or "sprō banda." The term was derived from two separate words in the language: "sprōtan," meaning "to shoot forth," and "band," meaning "offspring" or "sprig." The Old English word "sprōtan" itself was composed of "spra," meaning "spread out," and "ūtan," which meant "up" or "out." Thus, the original meaning of "sprōtan" was "to spread out upwards," or "to shoot forth." Over time, the Old English word "sprōt" came to be used as a noun to refer to the small, shoot-like structures that emerge from seeds or underground plant stems. This usage became popular in Middle English, where it continued to be spelled "sprōt" or "sprout." Interestingly, the term "sprout" has also been used figuratively to describe social or economic growth or progress. This figurative use can be traced back to the 17th century, where the term "sprouting" meant "beginning to flourish" or "grow rapidly." Today, "sprout" is widely used in agriculture, horticulture, and food production to describe the small plantlets that develop from seeds, as well as the edible sprouts that are produced from various vegetable, legume, and cereal grains. Its use in fields beyond agriculture is still common, as it connotes the idea of growth, expansion, and improvement.


to produce new leaves or buds; to start to grow

để tạo ra lá hoặc chồi mới; bắt đầu phát triển

  • new leaves sprouting from the trees

    những chiếc lá mới mọc lên từ cây

  • The seeds will sprout in a few days.

    Hạt giống sẽ nảy mầm sau vài ngày.

to appear; to develop something, especially in large numbers

xuất hiện; để phát triển một cái gì đó, đặc biệt là với số lượng lớn

  • Hundreds of mushrooms had sprouted up overnight.

    Hàng trăm cây nấm đã mọc lên chỉ sau một đêm.

  • The town has sprouted shopping malls, discos and nightclubs in recent years.

    Thị trấn đã mọc lên các trung tâm mua sắm, vũ trường và câu lạc bộ đêm trong những năm gần đây.

to start to grow something; to start to grow on somebody/something

bắt đầu phát triển cái gì đó; bắt đầu phát triển trên ai/cái gì

  • Tim has sprouted a beard since we last saw him.

    Tim đã mọc râu kể từ lần cuối chúng tôi nhìn thấy anh ấy.

  • I wished I could just sprout wings and fly away.

    Tôi ước gì mình có thể mọc cánh và bay đi.

  • Hair sprouted from his chest.

    Lông mọc ra từ ngực anh.