Definition of spontaneous


tự phát


The word "spontaneous" originated from the Latin prefix "sponta-," meaning "ready" or "on its own," and the Greek suffix "-neus" which signifies "new" or "young." This combination of Latin and Greek roots gave birth to the modern English word "spontaneous" in the 17th century. Initially, the term "spontaneous" was used to describe new life forms that appeared without any apparent cause, such as mushrooms growing from the soil without being planted. As the scientific community's understanding of nature grew, the term began to be applied to other natural phenomena, such as chemical reactions that occurred without any apparent interference. In the late 19th century, the concept of spontaneous generation, which suggested that life forms could arise from nonliving matter, was debunked by the scientific community. Following this, the usage of the term "spontaneous" evolved to refer to events or behaviors that seemed to arise naturally, unpredictably, and without any external influence. Today, the term "spontaneous" is commonly used to describe a wide range of phenomena, from the sudden and unprovoked laughing fits popularly known as "spontaneous combustion" to the abrupt and involuntary contraction of the uterus during childbirth. As such, it remains a versatile and widely employed word in scientific, medical, and everyday discourse.


not planned but done because you suddenly want to do it

không có kế hoạch nhưng được thực hiện bởi vì bạn đột nhiên muốn làm điều đó

  • a spontaneous offer of help

    một lời đề nghị giúp đỡ tự phát

  • The audience burst into spontaneous applause.

    Khán giả vỗ tay tự phát.

often doing things without planning to, because you suddenly want to do them

thường làm việc mà không có kế hoạch, bởi vì bạn đột nhiên muốn làm chúng

  • Jo's a cheerful, spontaneous person, always ready for some fun.

    Jo là một người vui vẻ, tự phát, luôn sẵn sàng cho những cuộc vui.

happening naturally, without being made to happen

xảy ra một cách tự nhiên, không bị ép buộc phải xảy ra

  • spontaneous remission of the disease

    sự thuyên giảm bệnh tự nhiên

done naturally, without being forced, practised or organized in advance

được thực hiện một cách tự nhiên, không bị ép buộc, luyện tập hay tổ chức trước

  • a recording of spontaneous speech

    ghi âm lời nói tự phát

  • a wonderfully spontaneous performance of the piece

    một màn trình diễn ngẫu hứng tuyệt vời của tác phẩm

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