Definition of spent


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The word "spent" has its roots in the Old English word "spendan," meaning "to expend, to consume, to use up." It's related to the German word "spenden," meaning "to give," and the Latin word "pendere," meaning "to hang, to weigh." Over time, "spendan" evolved into "spend" in Middle English and ultimately "spent" as the past participle. Its meaning has remained consistent, indicating something that has been used up or consumed.


that has been used, so that it cannot be used again

đã được sử dụng, do đó nó không thể được sử dụng lại

  • spent matches

    trận đấu đã dành

very tired

rất mệt mỏi

  • After the gruelling test, he felt totally spent.

    Sau bài kiểm tra mệt mỏi, anh cảm thấy hoàn toàn kiệt sức.

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a spent force
a person or group that no longer has any power or influence
  • The opposition party is now a spent political force.