Definition of spawn


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The word "spawn" originated from the Middle English word "spaune," meaning "to generate offspring." The term was specifically applied to fish reproduction, as they release their eggs and sperm into the water. In the 14th century, this word was further developed to include the spare offspring of various animals, giving it its modern-day usage in reference to the production of numerous identical organisms. By the 16th century, the word "spawn" was commonly used in reference to the offspring of both aquatic and land-dwelling specimens, reflecting its versatility as a descriptive term. Over time, the specific context in which "spawn" is used has expanded to include the production of multiple copies of digital content, software, or other intangible objects. The word's original and still present association with the proliferation of living things, however, remains its most enduring and recognizable meaning.


to lay eggs

đẻ trứng

to cause something to develop or be produced

làm cho cái gì đó phát triển hoặc được sản xuất

  • The band's album spawned a string of hit singles.

    Album của ban nhạc đã tạo ra một chuỗi đĩa đơn ăn khách.

to appear or be created

xuất hiện hoặc được tạo ra

  • Attackers were spawning from all kinds of unexpected places.

    Những kẻ tấn công xuất hiện từ mọi nơi không ngờ tới.

  • I upgraded the city to spawn a giant.

    Tôi đã nâng cấp thành phố để sinh ra một người khổng lồ.

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