Definition of spar




The word "spar" has multiple meanings, and its origin can be traced back to different sources depending on its usage. One common meaning of spar is a wooden or aluminum rod used in rigging ships. The word "spar" comes from the Old Norse word "spær", which means "wooden pole". During Viking voyages, the word was used to describe the wooden poles used to support the sails. The term was later adopted into Middle English and Old Norse-Ingrian, the language spoken by the Viking settlers in what is now Russia. Another meaning of spar is a glass cover used to protect paintings or other objects. The term "spar" derives from the Old High German word "sparro", meaning "to protect" or "to shield", reflecting the original use of the glass to protect the surface underneath. In sports, specifically tennis, squash, and badminton, "spar" refers to a practice match, often used by players to improve their skills. This meaning of the word appears to have arisen in the 19th century, likely from the nautical usage, as the term was applied to simulated sea battles at sea. Finally, "spar" can also refer to a small, lean person, typically a man. This usage has been traced back to the Old English word "spæровīc", which means "shield-bearer" or "defender", likely because slimmer individuals were better able to maneuver in battle and were often selected for shield-bearing duties. In summary, the word "spar" originates from various sources depending on its meaning, with its roots stretching back to Old Norse, Old High German, and Old English. Its evolution reflects the ways in which words can be adapted and repurposed over time, as meanings shift and new usages emerge.


to make the movements used in boxing, either in training or to test the speed of your opponent’s reaction

thực hiện các động tác được sử dụng trong quyền anh, trong luyện tập hoặc để kiểm tra tốc độ phản ứng của đối thủ

to argue with somebody, usually in a friendly way

tranh luận với ai đó, thường là một cách thân thiện

  • political sparring

    đấu tranh chính trị

  • verbal sparring

    đấu khẩu bằng lời nói

  • He liked to spar with colleagues during weekly meetings.

    Anh ấy thích đấu khẩu với đồng nghiệp trong các cuộc họp hàng tuần.

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