Definition of sovereign


tối cao


The word "sovereign" originated from the Old French "sovrain," which was derived from the Latin "superanus," meaning "overan" or "above." This Latin noun is a combination of "super," meaning "above" or "over," and "anus," meaning "veau" or "ruler". In the 14th century, the Old French "sovrain" was borrowed into Middle English as "soverayne" and eventually evolved into the modern English word "sovereign". Initially, the term referred to a ruler or king who was considered above or superior to others. Over time, the meaning expanded to encompass the idea of supreme authority, independence, and self-governance, ultimately describing a nation or government that is fully independent and self-ruling.


a king or queen

một vị vua hoặc nữ hoàng

  • The Tongan sovereign is head of state and exercises executive power.

    Quốc vương Tongan là người đứng đầu nhà nước và thực thi quyền hành pháp.

  • The islands are ruled by a governor, representing the British sovereign.

    Quần đảo được cai trị bởi một thống đốc, đại diện cho chủ quyền của Anh.

an old British gold coin worth one pound

một đồng tiền vàng cũ của Anh trị giá một bảng Anh