Definition of soprano


giọng nữ cao


The term "soprano" originated in the medieval liturgical music tradition. It refers to a type of female singing voice with a high range, capable of singing the highest melodies in a choir or ensemble. The word "soprano" itself derives from the Italian word "sopra" meaning "above" and "noi" meaning "us" (since the higher voices sang above the tenors and basses). It originally referred to the highest female voice in a choir, which was considered the choir's "head" or "top". The use of the term "soprano" for high female voices became more standardized in the Baroque era, when opera and oratorio became popular. In these musical forms, sopranos often portrayed the main female characters, and the word became associated with roles for leading women in music. Over time, the term "soprano" has come to include a wider range of female singing voices, both in classical and modern music. Today, sopranos can be found singing everything from classical aria to contemporary pop music, demonstrating the versatility and strength of this beautiful, high sound.


a singing voice with the highest range for a woman or boy; a singer with a soprano voice

giọng hát có âm vực cao nhất đối với phụ nữ hoặc nam giới; một ca sĩ có giọng nữ cao

  • She has sung soprano in many major operas.

    Cô đã hát giọng nữ cao trong nhiều vở opera lớn.

Extra examples:
  • She has a natural, clear soprano voice.

    Cô có giọng nữ cao trong trẻo, tự nhiên.

  • She sings in an exceptionally pure soprano.

    Cô ấy hát bằng một giọng nữ cao đặc biệt thuần khiết.

  • The soprano part in this opera is very demanding.

    Phần giọng nữ cao trong vở opera này rất khó.

Related words and phrases

a musical part written for a soprano voice

một phần âm nhạc được viết cho giọng nữ cao