Definition of soluble


hòa tan


The word "soluble" originates from the Latin "solubilis," which means "able to be dissolved." This Latin word is derived from "solvo," which means "to loosen" or "to untie," and the suffix "-ilis," which forms an adjective indicating ability or capacity. The word "soluble" was first used in English in the 15th century, and it initially referred to the ability of a substance to be dissolved in a solvent, such as water or acid. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the ability of a problem or issue to be solved or resolved. Today, "soluble" is widely used in various contexts, including chemistry, everyday language, and even idioms. For example, "a magic trick is only soluble if it's done correctly," or "the company's financial troubles are soluble if we reduce our expenses." The word "soluble" has become an essential part of our linguistic repertoire, enabling us to describe and communicate complex ideas and concepts with ease.


that can be dissolved (= mixed with a liquid until it forms part of that liquid) in a liquid

có thể hòa tan (= trộn với chất lỏng cho đến khi nó tạo thành một phần của chất lỏng đó) trong chất lỏng

  • soluble aspirin

    aspirin hòa tan

  • a highly soluble gas

    một loại khí hòa tan cao

  • Glucose is soluble in water.

    Glucose hòa tan trong nước.

  • The disulphate was easily soluble in water.

    Disulphate dễ tan trong nước.

Related words and phrases

that can be solved

điều đó có thể được giải quyết

  • The problem does not seem soluble.

    Vấn đề dường như không thể giải quyết được.

Related words and phrases

Related words and phrases