Definition of solo


độc tấu


Definition of undefined

The word "solo" originated from the Italian word "solista," which means "performer" or "singer." In the 17th century, Italian composers and violinists used the term to refer to a piece of music written for one vocalist or instrumentalist. This term was later adopted into other languages, including English. In the 19th century, the term "solo" began to be used more widely to describe a performance or effort undertaken by one person. This could be in music, dance, or other performances. In the 20th century, the term "solo" gained popularity in various contexts, including aviation, where a solo flight means one pilot flying an aircraft alone. Today, the word "solo" is used in many different contexts to describe a single entity or performance, including "solo flight," "solo album," or "solo artist."


alone, without anyone helping you

một mình, không có ai giúp đỡ bạn

  • She wanted to fly solo across the Atlantic.

    Cô muốn một mình bay qua Đại Tây Dương.

without any other musicians; without other musical instruments

không có bất kỳ nhạc sĩ nào khác; không có nhạc cụ khác

  • After three years with the band he decided to go solo.

    Sau ba năm gắn bó với ban nhạc, anh quyết định hoạt động solo.

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