Definition of soften up

soften upphrasal verb

làm mềm đi


The phrase "soften up" originates from military slang, specifically during World War II. It was commonly used by soldiers to describe the process of preparing a target for attack by weakening its defensive capabilities. This could involve a variety of tactics, such as bombarding the target with artillery, firing upon its defenses, or conducting psychological operations to demoralize the enemy. The goal was to make the target more vulnerable and easier to defeat in the subsequent assault. The term "soften up" implies that the enemy should be made softer or more pliable, like dough becoming soft when kneaded, hence allowing for easier penetration.


to try to persuade somebody to do something for you by being very nice to them before you ask them

cố gắng thuyết phục ai đó làm điều gì đó cho bạn bằng cách đối xử rất tốt với họ trước khi bạn yêu cầu họ

  • Potential customers are softened up with free gifts before the sales talk.

    Khách hàng tiềm năng sẽ được làm dịu đi bằng những món quà miễn phí trước khi bắt đầu buổi nói chuyện bán hàng.

to make an enemy weaker and easier to attack

làm cho kẻ thù yếu hơn và dễ tấn công hơn