Definition of sock puppetry

sock puppetrynoun

múa rối vớ

/ˈsɒk pʌpɪtri//ˈsɑːk pʌpɪtri/

The term "sock puppetry" refers to a type of puppetry in which puppets are operated by persons concealing their presence behind a screen, cloth, or other form of cover. The puppet's body is typically constructed with a sock made of cloth, though other materials may be used. This type of puppetry has been popular since the early 20th century, particularly in children's television programs, and has become a commonly recognized term due to its unique and charming nature, as well as its association with the use of socks as a puppet body. Its name is derived from the use of socks as a material for the puppet's body, which resembles the hand-held glove puppets in appearance and operation. Sock puppetry has gained popularity as a form of entertainment and education because it can encourage creativity, build self-confidence, and foster the development of speech and language skills in children.


the art and skill of making and using a type of puppet made from a sock, that you put over your hand

nghệ thuật và kỹ năng làm và sử dụng một loại rối làm từ tất, mà bạn đặt lên tay mình

the act of creating and using a false online identity, usually in order to promote your own opinions

hành động tạo và sử dụng danh tính trực tuyến giả, thường là để quảng bá ý kiến ​​của riêng bạn

  • Sock puppetry can be used to artificially boost the support for a particular position or belief.

    Múa rối có thể được sử dụng để tăng cường sự ủng hộ một cách giả tạo cho một quan điểm hoặc niềm tin cụ thể.