Definition of snooker


bi da


The origin of the word "snooker" in the context of the popular billiard game can be traced back to the late 19th century in England. The exact origins of the term are somewhat obscure, with multiple theories circulating. One popular explanation suggests that the word "snooker" is a corruption of the term "snaquer," a slang term used in the 1800s to describe a dubious banking or financial deal. The term may have derived from the Persian phrase "shunukur," referring to the Persian game of "shatranj," a type of chess popular during British colonial times in India. Another popular theory suggests that the term "snooker" might have derived from the game of "fives," a popular sport played in English schools during the late 19th century. A particular version of the game involved striking a small ball, known as the "snake," against the walls of a courtyard. It is believed that the name "snooker" was derived from this game. Yet another theory suggests that the term could have been coined by the British naval slang "snugger," meaning "a person who makes things difficult." This interpretation ties in with the complexity of the snooker game, which involves tactics and strategic planning. Regardless of its origin, the exact meaning of the term "snooker" became clear during the late 19th century, when the game of billiards underwent significant changes. The snooker cue, as well as the table and balls, were designed specifically for the new game, and the rules were simplified to make the game more accessible to amateurs. By the early 20th century, snooker had become a popular parlor game in England, and today it remains a prominent and popular sport in many countries around the world.


a game for two people played on a long table covered with green cloth. Players use cues (= long sticks) to hit a white ball against other balls (15 red and 6 of other colours) in order to get the coloured balls into pockets at the edge of the table, in a particular set order.

một trò chơi dành cho hai người chơi trên một chiếc bàn dài phủ vải xanh. Người chơi sử dụng tín hiệu (= gậy dài) để đánh một quả bóng trắng vào các quả bóng khác (15 quả bóng màu đỏ và 6 quả bóng màu khác) nhằm đưa các quả bóng màu vào các túi ở mép bàn, theo một thứ tự cụ thể.

  • to play snooker

    chơi bi da

  • a game of snooker

    một trò chơi bi da

  • a snooker hall/player/table

    phòng bi da/người chơi/bàn bi da

  • The ex-miner stunned the snooker world by winning his first tournament.

    Cựu thợ mỏ đã khiến cả thế giới bi da choáng váng khi giành chiến thắng trong giải đấu đầu tiên.

  • We played a couple of frames of snooker in the evening.

    Chúng tôi chơi vài ván bi da vào buổi tối.

Related words and phrases

a position in snooker in which one player has made it very difficult for the opponent to play a shot within the rules

một vị trí trong bi da trong đó một người chơi đã gây khó khăn cho đối thủ trong việc thực hiện cú đánh theo luật

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