Definition of slur


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The word "slur" originated in the mid-16th century from the Middle English word "slurren," meaning "to make a dull, heavy noise." This word, in turn, came from the Old French "eslurir," which meant "to muddle, confuse." In the context of speech, the word "slur" first appeared in the late 18th century, referring to a careless or overly slurred pronunciation of words, particularly in relation to drinking alcohol. This usage evolved from the earlier meaning of making a heavy, slurring noise, such as when speaking while drunk. In the following centuries, the usage of the word "slur" expanded to refer to other actions or activities that similarly muddle or confuse, such as slurring over details or making careless mistakes. Overall, the etymology of the word "slur" shows how its meaning has evolved over time, from a reference to involuntary sounds to a broader usage relating to inattentive or muddled behavior.


to pronounce words in a way that is not clear so that they run into each other, usually because you are drunk or tired

Phát âm các từ theo cách không rõ ràng đến mức chúng chạm vào nhau, thường là do bạn say rượu hoặc mệt mỏi

  • She had drunk too much and her speech was slurred.

    Cô ấy đã uống quá nhiều và giọng nói của cô ấy bị lắp bắp.

to play or sing a group of two or more musical notes so that each one runs smoothly into the next

chơi hoặc hát một nhóm gồm hai nốt nhạc trở lên sao cho mỗi nốt nhạc chạy mượt mà sang nốt nhạc tiếp theo

to harm somebody’s reputation by making unfair or false statements about them

làm tổn hại đến danh tiếng của ai đó bằng cách đưa ra những tuyên bố không công bằng hoặc sai lệch về họ

  • She accused the journalist of slurring the company's name.

    Cô tố cáo nhà báo bôi nhọ tên công ty.

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