Definition of slowdown


chậm lại


The word "slowdown" is a combination of the adjective "slow" and the noun "down." It first appeared in the English language in the early 1900s. The term likely emerged due to the increasing use of machinery and vehicles, where "slowing down" became a necessary action. "Down" in this context indicates a reduction in speed or intensity. "Slowdown" has a clear, straightforward etymology that reflects its meaning: a reduction in speed or progress.


a reduction in speed or activity

giảm tốc độ hoặc hoạt động

  • a slowdown in economic growth

    sự suy giảm tăng trưởng kinh tế

a protest that workers make by doing their work more slowly than usual

một cuộc phản đối mà công nhân thực hiện bằng cách làm công việc của họ chậm hơn bình thường

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