Definition of slop




The word "slop" has multiple meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. One of the earliest meanings of "slop" can be traced back to the 16th century, where it referred to a diluted form of ale or beer that was given to animals. This original meaning of "slop" derives from the Old English word "slape," which means "mush" or "gruel." As the word "slop" entered the English language, it also came to refer to a variety of other substances. In the mid-17th century, "slop" came to describe the leftover soup or other foods that were given to servants or prisoners as a form of sustenance. This meaning of "slop" is a result of the Old English word "slepan," which means "to drink deeply." The word "slop" also acquired the meaning of "mud" or "sludge" in the late 19th century, likely because of its resemblance to the thick, viscous substances that were found in puddles or on city streets during rainy weather. This sense of "slop" is closely related to the Old English word "slipan," meaning "to sink." Over time, the word "slop" has continued to evolve and take on new meanings. Today, "slop" can refer to a variety of things, from the soupy remains of cooked food to improperly fitted clothing. In summary, the origins of the word "slop" can be traced back to the Old English words "slape," "slepan," and "slipan," which all describe substances that are mushy, thick, or viscous. These roots have given rise to a number of different meanings for "slop," ranging from food scraps to mud to ill-fitting clothing.


to move around in a container, often so that some liquid comes out over the edge

di chuyển xung quanh trong một thùng chứa, thường để một số chất lỏng chảy ra ngoài mép

  • Water was slopping around in the bottom of the boat.

    Nước chảy loang lổ dưới đáy thuyền.

  • As he put the glass down the beer slopped over onto the table.

    Khi anh đặt ly xuống, bia rơi xuống bàn.

  • He took another step as the water slopped around his ankles.

    Anh bước thêm một bước nữa khi nước ngập quanh mắt cá chân anh.

to make liquid or food come out of a container in an untidy way

làm cho chất lỏng hoặc thức ăn chảy ra khỏi vật chứa một cách lộn xộn

  • He got out of the bath, slopping water over the sides.

    Anh bước ra khỏi bồn tắm, vẩy nước ra hai bên.

  • She slopped some beans onto a plate.

    Cô ấy đổ một ít đậu vào đĩa.

  • She slopped some of the egg mixture over the side of the bowl.

    Cô đổ một ít hỗn hợp trứng lên thành bát.

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