Definition of slog


khẩu hiệu


The word "slog" has a relatively recent origin, dating back to the early 20th century. It is believed to have originated from the Scandinavian language, specifically from the Norwegian word "slokk", which means "a hollowed-out log". The term was initially used to describe a type of shelter made from hollowed-out logs that were used by the Norwegian soldiers during the Napoleonic Wars. These shelters provided protection from the weather and were lightweight enough to be easily transported by the soldiers. The term "slog" eventually made its way into the English language, where it originally referred to a specific type of shelter or accommodation, such as a slum tenement, a crowded student dormitory, or a difficult job that required a lot of hard work. However, over time, the meaning of the word "slog" has come to represent any task or activity that requires a great deal of effort, perseverance, and determination, particularly in the context of achieving a long-term goal or objective. In this sense, "slog" has almost come to mean "a long and hard struggle", which is etymologically related to its original sense of "a hollowed-out log". Overall, the origin of the word "slog" is a fascinating example of the way in which language evolves over time, and how seemingly unrelated words and concepts can be linked through etymological connections.


to work hard and steadily at something, especially something that takes a long time and is boring or difficult

làm việc chăm chỉ và đều đặn ở một việc gì đó, đặc biệt là việc gì đó mất nhiều thời gian và nhàm chán hoặc khó khăn

  • He's been slogging away at that piece of music for weeks.

    Anh ấy đã miệt mài với bản nhạc đó trong nhiều tuần.

  • The teacher made us slog through long lists of vocabulary.

    Giáo viên bắt chúng tôi phải vất vả xem qua danh sách từ vựng dài.

  • My mother slogged all her life for us.

    Mẹ tôi đã vất vả cả đời vì chúng tôi.

  • She slogged her way through four piles of ironing.

    Cô lê bước qua bốn đống đồ ủi.

to walk or travel somewhere steadily, with great effort or difficulty

đi bộ hoặc đi du lịch một nơi nào đó đều đặn, với nỗ lực hoặc khó khăn lớn

  • I've been slogging around the streets of London all day.

    Tôi đã đi lang thang khắp đường phố London cả ngày.

  • He started to slog his way through the undergrowth.

    Anh bắt đầu lê bước qua bụi cây rậm rạp.

to hit a ball very hard but often without skill

đánh bóng rất mạnh nhưng thường không có kỹ năng


slog/sweat/work your guts out
(informal)to work very hard to achieve something
  • I slogged my guts out for the exam.
  • slog it out
    (British English, informal)to fight or compete in order to prove who is the strongest, the best, etc.
  • The party leaders are slogging it out in a TV debate.