Definition of slim


mảnh khảnh


The word "slim" originated from the Old English word "sleumen," which meant "to slip or slide." This word was used to describe the movement of slender objects, such as arrows or darts, as they sliced through the air. Over time, the meaning of "sleumen" evolved to describe objects that were narrow and elongated, such as ropes and sticks. The term "slimbodig" emerged in Middle English, meaning "thin and light in body." By the 16th century, the word "slim" had taken on its modern meaning of "thin and attractive." It was likely influenced by words like "slight" and "slinky," which also described slim and sleek things. Today, the word "slim" is commonly used to describe people who are thin and fit, although it can also refer to other objects that are narrow and streamlined. Its origins, however, reveal the word's original association with movement and physical characteristics.


thin, in a way that is attractive

mỏng, một cách hấp dẫn

  • a slim figure/body/waist

    một thân hình/thân hình/vòng eo thon thả

  • She was tall and slim.

    Cô ấy cao và mảnh khảnh.

  • How do you manage to stay so slim?

    Làm thế nào bạn có thể giữ được vóc dáng thon gọn như vậy?

  • Many companies are a lot slimmer than they used to be (= have fewer workers).

    Nhiều công ty mỏng hơn rất nhiều so với trước đây (= có ít công nhân hơn).

Extra examples:
  • Step exercises can help make you slim.

    Bài tập bước có thể giúp bạn thon thả hơn.

  • dieters who get slim using these methods

    những người ăn kiêng có được vóc dáng thon gọn nhờ những phương pháp này

thinner than usual

mỏng hơn bình thường

  • a slim volume of poetry

    một tập thơ mỏng

not as big as you would like or expect

không lớn như bạn mong muốn hoặc mong đợi

  • a slim chance of success

    cơ hội thành công mong manh

  • The party was returned to power with a slim majority.

    Đảng đã được trao lại quyền lực với đa số mỏng manh.

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