Definition of slavery


chế độ nô lệ


The word "slavery" has its roots in Old English and Latin. The term "slēa" or "sla" referred to servants or bonded laborers in Old English. The Latin term "servitium" meant "service" or " bondage." The words "slaw" and "sla" are thought to have been influenced by the Germanic word "skalu", meaning "flaw" or "blemish", and were used to describe a slave as someone who was marked or stained by their bondage. The modern English word "slavery" emerged in the 14th century from the Old French "esclavage", which was derived from the Latin "servitium". Over time, the term evolved to describe the cruel and exploitative practice of owning and controlling human beings as property. Today, the word "slavery" is widely recognized as a form of exploitation and human rights violation, and is considered to be a part of history that should be remembered and learned from in order to prevent its recurrence.


the state of being forced to work as a slave

tình trạng bị ép buộc phải làm việc như một nô lệ

  • to be sold into slavery

    bị bán làm nô lệ

Extra examples:
  • Poverty forces children into virtual slavery.

    Cái nghèo đẩy trẻ em vào cảnh nô lệ thực sự.

  • The women were sold into sexual slavery.

    Những người phụ nữ này bị bán làm nô lệ tình dục.

  • Their stated aim was to free women from domestic slavery.

    Mục đích mà họ nêu ra là giải phóng phụ nữ khỏi chế độ nô lệ gia đình.

  • They were living in slavery and poverty.

    Họ sống trong cảnh nô lệ và nghèo đói.

  • The organization has helped to expose human slavery rings.

    Tổ chức này đã giúp vạch trần các đường dây buôn bán nô lệ.

the practice of owning and forcing people to work as slaves

thực hành sở hữu và ép buộc mọi người làm việc như nô lệ

  • the abolition of slavery

    việc xóa bỏ chế độ nô lệ

  • The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in 1865.

    Tu chính án thứ mười ba đã bãi bỏ chế độ nô lệ vào năm 1865.

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