Definition of slave labour

slave labournoun

lao động nô lệ

/ˌsleɪv ˈleɪbə(r)//ˌsleɪv ˈleɪbər/

The term "slave labor" refers to forced or compulsory labor performed by individuals who are not free to leave or refuse work. This system is historically rooted in slavery, where enslaved individuals were treated as property and forced to work without remuneration or dignity. The word "slave" itself derives from the Old English word "slæfee," meaning "male servant." However, this term evolved over time, taking on new meanings in relation to the institution of slavery. In the 18th century, "slave" came to refer specifically to individuals who were forcibly held in bondage and forced to work without pay. The term "slave labor" emerged in response to the use of forced labor in various economic and political contexts. During the Industrial Revolution, for example, some factories used convict or child labor as a cheap source of labor. In the United States, during the Jim Crow era, African Americans were subjected to forced labor in convict leasing or chain gangs as punishment for their offenses. These practices were characterized as slave labor because they relied on coercion and exploitation rather than free choice or market competition. Today, the term "slave labor" is used to describe a wide range of labor practices that violate international human rights standards, including forced labor in supply chains, debt bondage, and child labor. These practices affect millions of people around the world, many of whom are trapped in conditions of extreme exploitation and lack any meaningful work alternatives. By highlighting the historical roots of "slave labor," we can better understand the ongoing injustices that persist in global labor markets and work to address them through policy and activism.


work that is done by people kept as slaves; the people who do this work

công việc được thực hiện bởi những người bị bắt làm nô lệ; những người làm công việc này

  • Huge palaces were built by slave labour.

    Những cung điện lớn được xây dựng bằng sức lao động của nô lệ.

work that is very hard and very badly paid

công việc rất khó khăn và được trả lương rất thấp

  • I left because the job was just slave labour.

    Tôi bỏ việc vì công việc đó chỉ là lao động nô lệ.