Definition of slap around

slap aroundphrasal verb

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The phrase "slap around" is an idiomatic expression that originated in the early 20th century. It refers to a physical altercation, specifically one in which a person is being struck repeatedly. The phrase is believed to have originated from the literal meaning of the words "slap" and "around." "Slap" means to strike someone with the back of the hand, typically in a quick and forceful manner, while "around" suggests that the action is repeated multiple times. Initially, the phrase was used primarily in a boxing or fighting context, as in "He got slapped around in the ring last night." Over time, however, it has become more widely used to describe any situation in which someone is being physically or verbally abused, as in "She slapped him around for hours after finding out about the affair." Despite its violent connotations, "slap around" can also be used in a figurative sense to describe a metaphorical beating, such as in "The economy has been slapped around by rising interest rates." In this context, the phrase is used to convey the idea of something being harshly affected or treated unkindly. In summary, the expression "slap around" originated in the early 20th century as a way of describing a physical altercation, but has since evolved to become a versatile and often metaphorical phrase used to describe any situation in which someone is being mistreated or abused.

  • Joe's angry outburst left his wife feeling slapped around emotionally.

    Cơn giận dữ của Joe khiến vợ anh cảm thấy bị tát vào mặt.

  • The jogger was slapped around by a stiff breeze as she passed through the park.

    Người chạy bộ bị một cơn gió mạnh hất tung khi cô đi qua công viên.

  • The kids were slapping each other around playfully, but their game soon turned into a brawl.

    Những đứa trẻ đang tát nhau một cách vui vẻ, nhưng trò chơi của chúng nhanh chóng biến thành một cuộc ẩu đả.

  • The boxer was slapped around in the first round, but he came back strong in the second.

    Võ sĩ này đã bị đánh tơi tả ở hiệp đầu tiên, nhưng đã trở lại mạnh mẽ ở hiệp thứ hai.

  • The stray dog was slapped around by the pack until it learned to submit.

    Con chó hoang bị cả bầy tát cho đến khi nó học được cách khuất phục.

  • The football coach slapped around his team for their poorly executed plays.

    Huấn luyện viên bóng đá đã tát cả đội vì lối chơi thực hiện kém của họ.

  • The machine malfunctioned, causing the worker to be slapped around by flying parts.

    Chiếc máy bị trục trặc khiến công nhân bị các bộ phận bay ra đập vào người.

  • The waves slapped around the sailboat, making it hard to maneuver.

    Sóng vỗ mạnh vào thuyền buồm, khiến việc điều khiển trở nên khó khăn.

  • The wind was slapping around the tents in the campsite, causing them to collapse.

    Gió thổi mạnh vào các lều trại trong khu cắm trại khiến chúng đổ sập.

  • The swimmers brushed against each other, slapping around in the crowded pool.

    Những người bơi va vào nhau, quẫy đạp trong hồ bơi đông đúc.