Definition of slant




The word "slant" has multiple meanings and originated from the Old English word "slænt," which meant "leaning" or "inclined." This word, in turn, came from the Old Norse word "slœnt," which had the same meaning. In Middle English, "slænt" evolved into "slente," which was spelled differently but retained its original meaning. Eventually, in the late 14th century, "slente" was further transformed into "slant," which meant "a slight inclination or deviation from a vertical or horizontal line." The use of "slant" in relation to typography and writing, as in the phrase "slanted type," became popular in the 19th century with the rise of industrial technology and mass printed materials. At this time, "slant" also began to be applied to objects with an angled or inclined surface, such as roofs or gun barrels. Today, "slant" continues to be used in a variety of contexts, including literature, mathematics, and science, where it still refers to an inclined or skewed angle or position.


to slope or to make something slope in a particular direction or at a particular angle

dốc hoặc làm cho cái gì đó dốc theo một hướng cụ thể hoặc ở một góc cụ thể

  • The sun slanted through the window.

    Nắng xiên qua cửa sổ.

  • Slant your skis a little more to the left.

    Nghiêng ván trượt của bạn thêm một chút về bên trái.

to present information based on a particular way of thinking, especially in an unfair way

để trình bày thông tin dựa trên một cách suy nghĩ cụ thể, đặc biệt là một cách không công bằng

  • The findings of the report had been slanted in favour of the manufacturers.

    Những phát hiện của báo cáo đã nghiêng về phía các nhà sản xuất.

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