Definition of six




The word "six" in English has its roots in the Old English language. In Old English, the number six was represented by the word "sǣx," which was derived from the Proto-Germanic "seks." This root is also responsible for the German word "sechs" and the Dutch word "zes." The Proto-Germanic "seks" is believed to have originally meant "half a dozen," as it is half of the number twelve. This makes sense as "dōzen" (the bridge between twelve and twelve halves) is traditionally derived from the Latin "duodecim." The evolution of the word "six" in Old English is fascinating. Over time, the pronunciation changed from "sǣx" to "ses" in Middle English, and then to "six" in Modern English. However, the spelling of the word remained consistent, despite numerous other instances of spelling variation in the English language over the centuries. Interestingly, some Germanic languages have evolved the word "six" in different ways. For example, the Yiddish word for six, "shiys," is of unknown origin, and the Faroese word, "sykl," has evolved to mean "sixties" in English. Overall, "six" is a relatively simple word with its origins in Proto-Germanic, but its evolution in English has been a slow and steady process. Its fascinating history serves as a reminder of the complex and interconnected nature of languages.




  • There are six cookies left.

    Còn lại sáu cái bánh quy.

  • six of Sweden’s top financial experts

    sáu chuyên gia tài chính hàng đầu của Thụy Điển

  • Ten people were invited but only six turned up.

    Mười người được mời nhưng chỉ có sáu người đến dự.

  • Can you lend me six dollars?

    Bạn có thể cho tôi vay sáu đô la được không?

  • a six-month contract

    hợp đồng sáu tháng

  • Look at page six.

    Nhìn vào trang sáu.

  • Six and four is ten.

    Sáu và bốn là mười.

  • Three sixes are eighteen.

    Ba sáu là mười tám.

  • I can't read your writing—is this meant to be a six?

    Tôi không thể đọc được chữ viết của bạn - đây có phải là số sáu không?

  • The bulbs are planted in fours or sixes (= groups of four or six).

    Củ được trồng thành bốn hoặc sáu củ (= nhóm bốn hoặc sáu).

  • We moved to America when I was six (= six years old).

    Chúng tôi chuyển đến Mỹ khi tôi sáu tuổi (= sáu tuổi).

  • Shall we meet at six (= at six o'clock), then?

    Vậy chúng ta sẽ gặp nhau lúc sáu giờ (= lúc sáu giờ) nhé?

a hit that scores six runs (= points)

một cú đánh ghi được sáu lượt chạy (= điểm)


at sixes and sevens
(informal)in a confused state; not well organized
  • I haven't had time to clear up, so I'm all at sixes and sevens.
  • be six feet under
    (informal)to be dead and buried in the ground
    hit/knock somebody for six
    (British English)to affect somebody very deeply
  • The business over the lawsuit had really knocked her for six.
  • it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other
    (saying)used to say that there is not much real difference between two possible choices